Friday, 3 December 2021

 [sign of the cross ]Dear God

Advent is a really special time that you gave us . I just thank you for  giving us this time .In advent time we thank you for giving us really imposition virtues to follow along in Advent, joy , peace, love, hope .[ sign of the cross]

Friday, 22 October 2021

The parts of the mass

 This week in room six we were learning about the parts of the mass . There is four parts of the mass it is the Concluding rites , Introductory rites , Liturgy and Eucharist  . Hear is my slides that I made . I found it a bit tricky and fun to make . Do you now know what the four parts of the mass is now?

Friday, 17 September 2021

Maori language week .

This week in room six we learned a new Maori sentences each day . I find it interesting most of the time. have you been at a maori preformance before.

horoia o ringarina

wash your hands

kei te pehea koe ?

how are you

kei te haere au ki te wharepaku

im going to the toilet

kei te pai koe 

are you okay ?

Friday, 10 September 2021


Today in room six  we have been learning about a poem, called be . I am going to share my one to you . 

this poem is about beatitude ,                 

Monday, 16 August 2021


 In room six we have been learning about gratefulness and gratitude . We had to do an task  , my task  was   name every thing that I am grateful in the alphabetical order. Grateful is a important thing to learn about   and grateful is like appreciating something that you didn't  want for  what. What is  five things you are grateful for?

Friday, 9 July 2021

Matakiki. Maori New years

 Matariki  is when the nine stars came back from their long journey.  Yes there are nine  stars .People celebrate Matariki with a nice breakfast  in the morning  with their family . Some people wake up very early in the morning to see the Mataiki stars . Some times at schools they make cool different things to celebrate Matariki like colourful Matariki stars and diamante  poems . Today at NBC school room 6 made diamante poems about Matariki and the Maori new years .

What is your favourite thing about Matariki ?   Have you seen the stars before?

Friday, 25 June 2021

The four gosballs

 In NBC school room  5 and  6 we have been learning about the four gospels  . the gospels are Matthew,

 Mark ,Luke and John . they are used in the liturgy of the word . I enjoyed creating the small,paper house.

Have you ever been to to mass before ?